Functional Lipid Probes
…to study lipid dynamics during infection.
Unraveling the precise functions of cellular lipids during infection presents significant challenges, primarily due to a lack of tools for assessing their exact levels in intact cells and visualizing their subcellular localization. The analysis is further complicated by the tight metabolic interconnection between lipids and their metabolizing enzymes, leading to quick turnover and numerous potential downstream effects. To overcome these hurdles, we leverage the recently developed multifunctional lipid probes, primarily pioneered by the Schultz lab, in our research. These advanced chemical tools provide us with the ability to explore lipid dynamics within live cells, and help us identify both host and viral factors that interact with lipids throughout the infection process.
“Flash & Click”: Multifunctionalized Lipid Derivatives as Tools To Study Viral Infections. (Farley et al., JACS, 2022)
Multi-functional lipid probes to define mechanism of actions. (Schultz et al., J Am Chem Soc, 2022)